
Shyanne, JKL Student
High School for Innovation and Advertising in Media
When the JKL program launched this past fall, Shyanne was among the first to sign up. After a few months of learning about gratitude, nutrition, and community service in a safe environment, Cheyenne was on board.
“Through JKL, it has allowed me to get closer to my peers and advisors and has also helped me be calmer and take my wellness seriously.” The gratitude circle is significant to Shyanne and her weekly dedication to attending the program and expressing herself. Although Shyanne is a senior, she already has her after-high school plan.
Shyanne would like to study pre-veterinary medicine at Delaware State University. “Shyanne is a dynamic young lady who always rises to any occasion. She loves to be involved in all school activities. Shyanne brings an electrifying energy to our jkl program” – jkl Instructor. Students like Shyanne bring such a bright light and positive energy to our programs; we can’t wait to see what the next semester will bring her way!