

Ivet, a senior at Pinkston High School, is going into her first year in the jkl program. As a Junior, Ivet had friends who participated in the jkl program which peaked her interest, but she did not feel she had any extra time. Ivet has finally taken a leap and has joined the jkl program! She has already made her mark on the program by exemplifying leadership skills. She motivates and encourages fellow jkl members to push toward their goals and she even takes the initiative to promote the jkl program amongst her peers. One of her favorite activities is running, which she displayed when she finished 2nd overall in her age division at her first Texas Ranger Labor 5k race. In addition to fueling her passion for running, the jkl program is also the place Ivet is learning how to make healthier decisions. She is now drinking more water and substituting chips/cookie for delicious fruit.

Ivet’s family is also reaping the benefits from the jkl program, Ivet leads a stretch and warm-up session with her parents at least once a week from the activities she has learned from the program. Next Fall, Ivet is hoping to be enrolled at University Texas Arlington where she will study nursing.

“Ivet is a hard worker with a pleasant attitude and is the student everyone really enjoys being around. Students seem to gravitate towards her for directions in jkl”- Ms. Parnell